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Reports and statistics

Occupational accidents and hydrocarbon emissions offshore (only in Danish)

Occupational accidents and hydrocarbon emissions 2012-2022 - pdf

Occupational accidents and hydrocarbon emissions 2011-2021 - pdf

Occupational accidents and hydrocarbon emissions 2010-2020 - pdf

Occupational accidents and hydrocarbon emissions 2009-2019 - pdf

Occupational accidents and hydrocarbon emissions 2008-2018 - pdf

Occupational accidents and hydrocarbon emissions 2007-2017 - pdf

Occupational accidents and hydrocarbon emissions 2006-2016 - pdf

Occupational accidents and hydrocarbon emissions 2005-2015 - pdf

Occupational accidents and hydrocarbon emissions 2004-2014 - pdf

Publication of Denmark's annual report to the European Commission (only in Danish)

Denmark's annual report to the European Commission on indicators of major hazards 2023 - pdf

Denmark's annual report to the European Commission on indicators of major hazards 2022 - pdf

Denmark's annual report to the European Commission on indicators of major hazards 2021 - pdf

Denmark's annual report to the European Commission on indicators of major hazards 2020 - pdf

Denmark's annual report to the European Commission on indicators of major hazards 2019 - pdf

Denmark's annual report to the European Commission on indicators of major hazards 2018 - pdf

Denmark's annual report to the European Commission on indicators of major hazards 2017 - pdf

Denmark's annual report to the European Commission on indicators of major hazards 2016 - pdf

North Sea Offshore Authorities Forum (NSOAF) Multinational Audit Reports

Maintaining Safe Operations: Drilling installations - pdf

Maintaining Safe Operations - pdf

Human and Organisational Factors in Well Control - pdf

Supervision - pdf

Accident Investigation Board for Offshore Oil and Gas Activities

Accident Investigation Board's Report on Offshore Oil and Gas Activities on Gas release on Tyre Øst on May 27, 2020 (only in Danish) - pdf

Accident Investigation Board's Report on Offshore Oil and Gas Activities on Gas release on Dan F on December 19, 2017 (only in Danish) - pdf

Statistical analysis and publications

Overview of statistical analysis and publications on working environment in Denmark - Danish Working Environment Authority