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Whistleblower - Reporting safety- and health related issues within the Danish offshore oil and gas industry

You are entitled to make an anonymous report to the Danish Working Environment Authority if you believe that violations to regulations or procedures are taking place in relation to safety and health on an offshore installation.

How to report safety- and health related violations?

Select one of the following options:
Submit a notification form

Report offshore health or safety issue

Send an (encrypted) email

Call us

+45 72 20 90 22

Send a letter to:

Danish Working Environment Authority,
Att. Mohamed El Halimi,
Landskronagade 33
DK-2100 København Ø

What information should the notification include?

When you contact the Danish Working Environment Authority, please include the following information:

  • The name of the  platform/operator?
  • Which rules do you believe have been violated?
  • What happened?
  • When did it happen?
  • Any documentation, e.g. photos, films etc.

In case of environmental violations, you may report directly to the Environmental Protection Agency on 

The Environmental Protection Agency

Anonymous reporting

Neither your employer nor other parties will be made aware of your report or the nature of your report. You will also be anonymous if your report relates to environmental problems. However, if someone requests access to the documents, we may have to disclose information about your report.

You may leave out your contact details in your report - but if we have this information, we can more efficiently examine the issues you report.

What do we do?

When we receive a report, we investigate the case and assess whether there is  basis for proceeding with the case, e.g. in the form of an inspection. We cannot inform you of actions taken based on your report.