Part 1 Scope and Objective etc.
Part 2 Operators and owners without a safety organisation
Part 3 Operators and owners, respectively, with a safety organisation
Part 5 Election and appointment of members of the safety organisation
Executive Order No. 1201 of 23 October 2015 issued by the Danish Working Environment Authority - unofficial version.
Part 1 Scope and Objective etc.
Part 2 Operators and owners without a safety organisation
Part 3 Operators and owners, respectively, with a safety organisation
Part 5 Election and appointment of members of the safety organisation
The following shall be laid down pursuant to sections 49 and 72(1) of the Offshore Safety Act, cf. Consolidated Act no. 831 of 1 July 2015, and with authorisation pursuant to section 3(1) of Executive Order no. 1193 of 9 October 2015 on the Tasks and Powers of the Danish Working Environment Authority under the Offshore Safety Act:
1.-(1)This Executive Order shall apply to offshore oil and gas operations as defined in section 3(1), no. 16 of the Offshore Safety Act.
(2) This Executive Order shall also apply to operations in connection with an installation or connected infrastructure, cf. section 3(1), no. 1 and 29 of the Offshore Safety Act, if the operations are covered by the Act on the Use of the Danish Subsoil and if the operations carry health and safety risks.
(3) This Executive Order covers cooperation on health and safety for all employers and employees in connection with offshore oil and gas operations.
2.-(1) Health and safety activities shall be carried out through cooperation between the operator and the owner, respectively, other employers, supervisors and other employees.
(2) Cooperation on health and safety shall be in place by no later than 4 weeks after the installation has been taken into use.
(3) For mobile installations as defined in section 3(1), no. 14 of the Offshore Safety Act, which organise cooperation on health and safety at the installation in other appropriate, operational ways, the provisions in sections 4-36 may be derogated from in so far as is commensurate with Directive 89/391/EEC on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements on health and safety of workers at work.
(4) For employees performing inspections of non-permanently manned installations, cooperation on health and safety shall be managed by the safety organisation in place at the permanently manned installation to which the non-permanently manned installation is connected.
3. For the purposes of this Executive Order:
4.-(1) Where the operator and the owner, respectively, are employers of 1-9 employees working at one or several installation(s), there is no requirement to establish a safety organisation at the installation of the operator or owner.
(2) The operator and the owner, respectively, shall ensure that cooperation on health and safety in connection with offshore oil and gas operations can take place. Cooperation shall take place through ongoing direct contact and dialogue between the operator and the owner, respectively, other employers, possible supervisors and other employees.
5.-(1) Each year, the operator and the owner, respectively, of installations without a safety organisation shall, in collaboration with employees and possible supervisors at these installations, conduct discussions concerning health and safety, in which the participants shall:
(2) The operator and the owner, respectively, shall be able to document in writing to the Danish Working Environment Authority that the annual health and safety discussions have taken place.
6.-(1) Operators and owners, respectively, of an installation without a safety organisation shall ensure that employees working at the installation receive all necessary health and safety information, and shall ensure that employees are given the opportunity to present recommendations regarding health and safety at the installation.
(2) The operator and the owner, respectively, shall ensure that employees are involved in the planning and introduction of new technology, including health and safety consequences when selecting equipment, personal protective equipment, etc.
7. Where the operator and the owner, respectively, are employers of 10 or more employees working at one or several installation(s), cooperation on health and safety at the installation of the operator and owner, respectively, shall be organised with a safety organisation.
8. At installations with 5 or more employees, operators and owners, respectively, covered by section 7 shall establish the following
9.-(1) At installations with 1-4 employees, cooperation on health and safety shall take place through regular direct contact and dialogue between the operator and owner, respectively, possible supervisors and other employees.
(2) Installations covered by subsection 1 shall be part of a joint safety committee together with another installation operated by the same enterprise.
10.-(1) A safety group for a work area shall comprise of 1 appointed supervisor and 1 elected safety representative.
(2) In connection with establishing a safety group, the operator and the owner, respectively, shall in collaboration with employees and supervisors, cf. section 13, decide within which area of the installation the safety group is to carry out its tasks. The work areas of the safety group shall together cover all employees at the installation of the enterprise.
(3) The number of safety groups in a safety organisation shall be stipulated pursuant to section 13.
(4) If the supervisor and safety representative of a safety group are not present at the same time, the member present shall carry out the safety group's tasks. The absent person shall as quickly as possible be notified of measures taken during his/her absence.
11.-(1) A safety committee is composed of supervisors and safety representatives from one or more safety group(s), with the operator and owner, respectively, or their representative as the chairman. The chairman shall be able to act on health and safety related matters on behalf of the operator and owner, respectively.
(2) If there is/are 1 or 2 safety group(s) at the installation, the safety committee shall be composed of, besides the chairman, the members of the safety group(s). If there are more than 2 safety groups, the safety representatives shall elect a number of members from among themselves and the employer shall appoint a number of members from among the supervisors to the safety committee, cf. section 13.
(3) Members of the safety committee are elected for a period of 2 years.
(4) Substitutes for members of the safety committee shall be elected pursuant to the same regulations as election of members of the safety committee.
(5). If a supervisor or safety representative stops as a member of the safety group, the person in question shall also stop as a member of the safety committee.
(6) If an agreement has been established pursuant to section 23(5) on an election period of more than 2 years for safety representatives, this election period is shall also be applicable to members of the safety committee.
12.-(1) Each year, operators and owners, respectively, of installations with a safety organisation shall in collaboration with employees and any supervisors at these installations, conduct discussions concerning health and safety, in which the participants shall
(2) The operator and the owner, respectively, shall be able to document in writing to the Danish Working Environment Authority that the annual health and safety discussions have taken place.
Size of the safety organisation
13.-(1) The operator and the owner, respectively, in collaboration with the employees and supervisors shall stipulate the necessary number of safety groups and members of the safety committees based on a subsidiarity principle.
(2) The number of safety groups and members of the safety committee at the individual installation shall be determined so that safety groups and safety committees can at all times carry out their tasks in a satisfactory manner in relation to
(3) Furthermore, the number of safety representatives shall be stipulated such that all employees can contact their safety representatives, and such that employees can discuss matters related to health and safety with members of the safety organisation during the employees' working hours.
(4) There shall be at least the same number of safety representatives as supervisors in the safety organisation.
14.-(1) The strategic, i.e. overall tasks, shall be managed by the safety committee.
(2) These tasks include:
(3) The safety committee shall be consulted before any enquiry to the specialist expert if it concerns assistance in planning or resolving health and safety issues in connection with general, planning, future or collaborative tasks.
(4) When the safety committee advises the operator and the owner, respectively, and they fail to follow the advice, the safety committee is entitled to receive a reason. As far as possible, the reason shall be given before the work in question is performed, but within 3 weeks at the latest. The same shall apply when the committee provides multiple recommendations on a case.
15. The safety committee shall hold extraordinary meetings when serious accidents, serious poisoning or other injury to health occur or when serious incidents that might have caused accidents or injury to health occur, as well as when otherwise necessary. Extraordinary meetings shall be held if the Chairman deems it necessary, or if at least 2 committee members put forward a request.
16.-(1) The agenda of the safety committee's ordinary meetings shall be made available to other employees at the installation via notices at the installation no later than 10 days prior to the meeting.
(2) Minutes of the safety committee's meetings shall be prepared. The minutes, which must be approved by participants at the meetings, shall be submitted to members of the committee, as well as be made available to all employees at the installation by posting a notice at a suitable location.
(3) Additionally, the offshore medic shall participate in meetings of the safety committee.
Tasks of the safety group
17.-(1) The daily tasks shall be performed by the safety group within the areas of the installation covered by the safety group.
(2) These tasks include:
(3) The safety group shall be consulted before any enquiry to special experts for assistance in resolving health and safety issues that involve the work areas of the safety group.
18.-(1) The safety group shall address risks in connection with the occurrence of health and safety issues and, if the risk cannot be mitigated on site, inform the offshore installation manager of this.
(2) If there is not time to inform the offshore installation manager, and the safety group deems that there is a considerable, imminent risk to the health and safety of employees which the group is unable to avert, the safety group shall be entitled to suspend work or the work process to the extent required to avert the risk. The safety group shall immediately notify the offshore installation manager of the suspension and explain why the suspension was necessary.
(3) The offshore installation manager shall subsequently inform the chairman of the safety committee of the notifications received pursuant to subsections (1) and (2).
19.-(1) The provisions of sections 8-13 shall not apply insofar as, in order to enhance and improve the enterprise's cooperation on health and safety
(2) The operator and the owner, respectively, shall be able to document for the Working Environment Authority that the enterprise is subject to an agreement pursuant to subsection (1). Pursuant to subsection 1, no. 2, the enterprise agreement shall be in writing and be available to the enterprise's offshore employees.
(3) An agreement on organisation of cooperation on health and safety pursuant to subsection 1 shall not affect the performance of the tasks, functions, obligations and rights etc., laid down in this Executive Order.
(4) An enterprise agreement entered pursuant to subsection 1, no.2 shall ensure that organisation of cooperation on health and safety is in accordance with the structure for the offshore area of the operator and the owner, respectively and that the altered organisation strengthens and improves the cooperation.
(5). As a minimum, the enterprise agreement shall contain the following elements:
20.-(1) A safety organisation may be extended to also include
(2) Organisation pursuant to subsection (1) is conditional upon
21. For the purpose of strengthening cooperation on health and safety between cooperation committees, local contracting parties and the safety organisation, the tasks in connection with health and safety can be managed by a cooperation unit if
22. The duties of the safety representative and the trade union representative can be performed by the same person if
23. Questions of interpretation and violations of the agreements established pursuant to section 19 shall be resolved according to the usual industrial procedure for the area. Violations of agreements established pursuant to section 19(1), no. 2 may not, however, be brought before the Danish Labour Court, but shall be settled by industrial arbitration.
24.-(1) For operators and the owners, respectively, whose enterprise has installations which require the establishment of a safety organisation, cf. section 7, employees shall elect the required number of safety representatives as stipulated in section 13 or as stipulated in an agreement on the organisation of cooperation on health and safety pursuant to section 19.
(2) All employees without managerial powers shall have the right to vote. Supervisors and enterprise managers may not participate in elections pursuant to section 3(1), no. 4 and 32 of the Offshore Safety Act.
(3) The election of a safety representative shall be performed by the employees in each work area at the installation.
(4) If several shifts are employed for shift work and these shifts are not simultaneously present at the installation, or if for other reasons it is not appropriate for the shifts to have a common safety representative, the regulations of subsection (3), cf. subsection (1), shall apply for each shift.
(5). The election period is for 2 years, or until cessation of the employment of the safety representative in the work area in question at the installation ceases, cf. however subsection (6). An agreement may be established between the operator and the owner, respectively, and employees that future elections of safety representatives can be for a longer election period, however up to a maximum of 4 years.
(6) If the safety representative is absent due to leave, sickness or for some other reason for a continuous period of at least 4 months, a new safety representative may be elected for the remainder of the election period or for a new election period.
(7) The safety representative shall represent employees at the installation on issues regarding the health and safety of employees during work at the installation.
(8) The safety representative shall be protected against dismissal or any other impairment of conditions in the same manner as trade union representatives within the same or similar sector. The safety representative shall not be placed at a disadvantage due to activities in connection with the position.
(9) With respect to eligibility for election and the validity of elections, the rules governing the election of trade union representatives within a relevant or similar collective agreement area shall apply.
25. Disputes regarding election, eligibility for election and protection of a safety representative, and the validity of elections, including questions regarding which regulations apply and regarding breaches or interpretations of regulations, shall be settled by the normal procedures for settling industrial disputes, cf. the Danish Labour Court Act and industrial arbitration tribunals.
26.-(1) For operators and the owners, respectively, whose enterprise has installations which require the establishment of a safety organisation, cf. section 7, the operator and the owner, respectively, shall appoint the number of supervisors to be included in the safety organisation as stipulated in section 13 or as stipulated in an agreement on the organisation of cooperation on health and safety pursuant to section 19.
(2) When appointing supervisors, the operator and the owner, respectively, shall ensure that the supervisor has the necessary knowledge of his/her work area at the installation.
(3) A supervisor who is part of the safety organisation ,may not be placed at a disadvantage due to activities in connection herewith.
(4) If a supervisor in the safety group is dismissed after the expiration of a any trial period, and one of the parties alleges that the dismissal was caused by matters concerning health and safety, the supervisor's employment shall not be terminated during the period of notice until the matter has been negotiated by the organisation according to the regulations within the relevant collective agreement area or examined in accordance with the regulations of the Employers' and Salaried Employees' Act on negotiation and arbitration. Negotiation and arbitration shall take place as soon as possible.
27.-(1) The operator and the owner, respectively, shall ensure that cooperation on health and safety is established, developed and maintained, such that members of the safety organisation can carry out their tasks in a satisfactory manner. The operator and the owner, respectively, shall also ensure that senior management of the enterprise are represented in the enterprise's safety organisation.
(2) The operator and the owner, respectively, shall ensure that members of the safety organisation are able to participate
(3) At installations with a safety organisation, the operator and the owner, respectively, shall ensure that the safety organisation follows up on serious accidents, serious poisoning or other health injuries or sources of these, and when there are other exceptional circumstances that require follow up.
28.-(1) The operator and the owner, respectively, shall ensure that employees are able to have regular contact with the part of the safety organisation the carries out tasks within their work area.
(2) If the safety representative or the supervisor of the safety organisation is not present, it shall be ensured that the employees are able to summon a responsible representative of the enterprise.
(3) The operator and the owner, respectively, shall ensure that employees and other employers are informed of who are members of the safety groups and safety committees.
29.-(1) The operator and the owner, respectively, shall ensure that safety representatives and supervisors in the safety organisation are allocated the appropriate amount of time available to carry out their duties for the installation and its health and safety standard.
(2) The operator and the owner, respectively, shall ensure that the necessary funds are made available for cooperation on health and safety, and shall likewise cover expenses in connection with activities of the safety representative and shall indemnify loss of earnings, expenses and loss in income in connection with required participation in training, cf. Executive Order on the health and safety training programme in connection with offshore oil and gas operations etc.
(3) Any dispute on this shall be settled by the normal procedures for settling industrial disputes, cf. the Danish Labour Court Act, and industrial arbitration tribunals.
(4) If requested by the safety representatives, the operator and the owner, respectively, shall allow them the opportunity of safely storing material such that it is inaccessible to unauthorized persons.
30. The operator and the owner, respectively, shall provide the security organisation, cf. section 10, or the security committee, cf. section 8, no.2, access to the mandatory lists and descriptions of events contained in reports on occupational accidents at the enterprise which are drawn up pursuant to the Executive Order on registration and notification of industrial injuries etc. in connection with offshore oil and gas operations. The same shall applies to the individual safety groups, cf. section 8, no.1, within their area.
31. The operator and the owner, respectively, shall inform members of the safety organisation of decisions made by the Danish Working Environment Authority and of any written improvement notices issued by the Danish Working Environment Authority. Members of the safety organisation shall furthermore be informed of other written information on protection and prevention activities from the Danish Working Environment Authority or other specialist experts.
32.-(1) At installations where, in addition to the operator and the owner, respectively, other employers allow work to be carried out, the operator and the owner, respectively, cooperation with the other employers shall ensure that cooperation on health and safety for everyone employed at the installation is organised and performed.
(2) The operator and the owner, respectively, shall coordinate measures to manage the health and safety of employees, which shall be carried out by the individual employers at the installation. The operator and the owner, respectively, shall ensure that an agreement in this regard is established with the individual owners.
(3) For the purpose of coordinating their measures for ensuring health and safety the operator and the owner, respectively, and the other employers shall inform each other about the risks in connection with the individual employer's operations at the installation. The individual employer shall forward the information received to its employees.
33.-(1) The individual employer at the installation shall ensure that the measures agreed upon with the operator and the owner, respectively, cf. section 32(2), are implemented and maintained, as well as ensure an effective supervision of these.
(2) Employees working at an installation where several employers have work carried out, shall in addition to complying with the regulations which apply to the work which they are to perform, also comply with the regulations which apply to the cooperation of the employers, cf. section 32.
34.-(1) The operator and the owner, respectively, shall coordinate cooperation between employers on health and safety by holding meetings, as well as through personal contact at the installation.
(2) The operator and the owner, respectively, the employers or their representatives, as well as the security groups at the installation shall participate in these meetings.
35. Sections 32-34 shall apply correspondingly to work not performed for an employer.
Coordination of health and safety activities between installations
36.-(1) Where the operator and the owner, respectively, operate several installations, it shall ensure the coordination of cooperation between the safety committees and safety groups.
(2) The operator and the owner, respectively, shall ensure that members of the individual safety committees have access to the minutes of meetings of the safety committees at other installations.
(3) An operator and owner, respectively, which run several installations, shall ensure that members of the safety organisation have the opportunity to meet 1-2 times a year. At these meetings, initiatives of the individual safety committees shall be discussed, and experience from the individual installations regarding health and safety issues may be exchanged.
37. The Danish Working Environment Authority may, in exceptional circumstances, grant exemptions from the Executive Order, provided that doing so is deemed reasonable and justifiable from a health and safety perspective, and to the extent that doing so is commensurate with Directive 89/391/EEC on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the health and safety of workers at work.
38. Individual members of the safety organisation are entitled to meet with the supervisory authority during an inspection visit at the installation.
39.-(1) Unless a more severe penalty is due under the Offshore Safety Act or other legislation, anyone who violates section 5(2), sections 6 and 7, section 14(3) and (4), section 24(1), section 26(1), and sections 27-36, shall be liable to a fine.
(2) For violation of the provisions of subsection (1), within the framework of section 71 of the Offshore Safety Act, the employer may be subject to a fine, notwithstanding the fact that the violation cannot be attributed to the employer as intentional or negligent. A condition for the individual employer being subject to a fine is that the violation can be attributed to one or more persons attached to the enterprise or to the enterprise itself. No alternative penalty shall be stipulated in lieu of such a fine.
(3) Enterprises etc. (legal persons) may be subject to criminal liability according to the provisions in chapter 5 of the Criminal Code.
40.-(1) This Executive Order shall enter into force on 1 November 2015.
(2) The following Executive Orders shall be repealed:
The Danish Working Environment Authority, 23 October 2015
Peter Vesterheden / Katrine Krone